Friday, April 8, 2011

Celebrate Life's Little Victories

Today we celebrated! Today marked the first week since Christmas that Miss B was able to go to school Monday through Friday. As soon as we got home we all (Miss B, Percy and I) sat down together and had some chocolate chip ice cream with Magic Shell topping to celebrate. Even Miss B agreed that she thought the new medicine was helping. As the mama, I can’t tell you how happy and relieved that made me feel. 
The last day or two I’ve begun to hope that maybe Miss B’s life can return to some of what it was a few months ago. But even now I am cautiously optimistic. As we were chowing down on our ice cream I asked Miss B about her pain level today and this past week. (The last few days she took only one pain pill a day and today she didn’t take any). I thought her response was interesting. She said, “That it really hasn’t been to bad, I think the medicine might be working.” I started to laugh when a couple of minutes later she said “My head really hurt today and oh, how my feet were killing me.”  When I asked her about the contradiction of the two statements, she kind laughed a little and said she didn’t realize I was asking about overall pain. She said although it was bad today, it wasn’t as bad as it has been.  The conversation only reaffirmed for me that we are definitely living in the land of a new normal.
In the world of doctor’s appointments, we are still in a holding pattern. I called our doctor’s office today about the referrals to the specialists. They did find a neurologist and are waiting for a callback for an appointment. They’re hoping the neurologist will be able to point us to a rheumatologist. Hopefully we’ll hear something back next week.
All in all its been a good week, and I’m looking forward to a nice weekend spending time  with my girls.  1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” I have spent a lot of time in the last months praying and petitioning. Now is time for rejoicing and giving thanks even in the little victories as we continue to hold on to hope.


  1. Celebration is good!
    Does Ms. B have an IEP? She probably should, to make sure school adapts for chronic help condition.

  2. We decided to put her on Section 504 instead of an IEP.
